Save Your Loved Ones From Choking

LifeVac is a patented life-saving device that is proven to be the most effective way to help a child or adult during a choking emergency.

  • 3749 Lives Saved to date
  • Easy To Use
  • Works on Children & Adults
  • Backed by independent studies
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- Free replacement if you have to use it -

Save A Life In 3 Simple Steps

  • Place

    Place LifeVac over the mouth and nose to create a seal.

    Step 1
  • Push

    The one-way valve prevents air from pushing food or objects downward when pressed.

    Step 2
  • Pull

    Then simply pull to create a one-way suction to remove the lodged food or object in seconds.

    Step 3

Think of LifeVac like a fire extinguisher.

Hopefully you never need it but you should ALWAYS have one.

What is LifeVac
The Choking Rescue Device

The LifeVac is a patented airway clearance device that quickly and safely removes obstructions when someone is choking.

We are proud to say we have been medically proven to be the safest, most effective and easiest to use airway clearance device in the world. This may not mean much to the average person, but in the medical field this is extremely important as it is very dangerous to use something in an emergency that might not work in the time of need.

Used & Trusted by

LifeVac Saved already 3749 Lives to date.

See how it saved these people.

Hall of Saves. 3749 Lives to date

Over 3749 Lives Saved & Counting

The LifeVac Hall of Saves represents all of the lives that have been saved by LifeVac in a choking emergency. Hundreds of lives saved including adults and children.

Meet Some Of The Lives Saved With LifeVac

Every second counts!

Only 10 minutes to save a life


Choking can kill in less than 10 minutes Time is of the essence when somebody begins to choke

0-4 min
Successfully save the victim
4-6 min
oxygen starvation means brain damage is possible.
Over 10 min
oxygen starvation means the victim is likely to die


Polska currently has an 15 minute target time for an ambulance to reach an incident.

Over 10 min
oxygen starvation means the victim is likely to die

How does lifevac work?

LifeVac has a unique one-way valve that doesn’t allow any air to enter a choking victim on the downward motion, which makes it impossible for the obstruction to be pushed down further into the windpipe.

Just place the mask over the mouth and nose of the victim. Press down to create suction. The duration of the suction is minimal, which makes LifeVac safe and effective. Now pull back up, and the obstruction will come out of the victim’s throat.

  • LifeVac Homekit

    This kit is a must-have for every household. It includes a LifeVac suction device, a pediatric mask, an adult mask, and a child mask. The kit also comes with an easy-to-use instruction guide, which prepares you for any choking emergency.

  • LifeVac Travel Bag

    Take your LifeVac on the go and be prepared in case of a choking emergency!


    A choking incident can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. That's why we designed the LifeVac Travel Bag. We recommend packing a LifeVac inside your vehicle on vacation, when eating out or visiting family and friends.


    The LifeVac Travel Bag is essential, with an easily accessible zipper for ultra-fast opening in a choking emergency. It's convenient and travel-friendly size fits one LifeVac and 3 masks.

Discounts if you buy more. Get LifeVac Today.

Take advantage of this offer now and equip your family, children or even grand children with LifeVac. So everyone is always prepared in case of an choking emergency.

Choose your deal!
  • LifeVac - Home Kit

    20% Savings!
    LifeVac - Home Kit Image

    LifeVac - Home Kit

    You Save 87 zł

    392,00 zł

    You Save 87 zł

    305,00 zł

    You Save 87 zł
    LifeVac - Home Kit Image

    LifeVac - Home Kit



    392,00 zł

    You Save   87 zł

    305,00 zł

  • 2x LifeVac - 1 + 1 for 50% off

    Buy 1 + Get 1 for 50% OFF
    2x LifeVac - 1 + 1 for 50% off Image

    2x LifeVac - 1 + 1 for 50% off

    You Save 218 zł

    783,00 zł

    You Save 218 zł

    565,00 zł

    You Save 218 zł
    2x LifeVac - 1 + 1 for 50% off Image

    2x LifeVac - 1 + 1 for 50% off



    783,00 zł

    You Save   218 zł

    565,00 zł

  • Most Popular

    3x LifeVac - Family Pack

    Family Pack - Most Popular
    3x LifeVac - Family Pack Image

    3x LifeVac - Family Pack

    You Save 391 zł

    1.174,00 zł

    You Save 391 zł

    783,00 zł

    You Save 391 zł
    3x LifeVac - Family Pack Image
    Most Popular

    3x LifeVac - Family Pack



    1.174,00 zł

    You Save   391 zł

    783,00 zł

  • Best Deal

    4x LifeVac - 3 + 1 FREE

    Buy 3, Get 1 FREE
    4x LifeVac - 3 + 1 FREE Image

    4x LifeVac - 3 + 1 FREE

    You Save 522 zł

    1.565,00 zł

    You Save 522 zł

    1.043,00 zł

    You Save 522 zł
    4x LifeVac - 3 + 1 FREE Image
    Best Deal

    4x LifeVac - 3 + 1 FREE



    1.565,00 zł

    You Save   522 zł

    1.043,00 zł

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You Save  

Frequently Asked Questions

When you use Lifevac, can it push the obstruction further down?

No. Thanks to LifeVac’s patented one-way valve system it’s simply impossible to push the obstruction further down while using it. When you push down the air doesn't pass through the mask. Instead, air goes out through the side of the one-way valve. When you pull up again, it creates the suction effect needed to safely clear an obstruction in a choking emergency.

Can LifeVac be used on anyone that is choking?

LifeVac can be used to help protect all family members.

The LifeVac is equipped to use on children as small as 10 kg (22 pounds) or heavier, utilizing the child mask. The adult mask is for use on full-sized adults and seniors. Both the child and adult masks are included in every Home Kit and Travel Kit.

Unlike the traditional Heimlich Maneuver, LifeVac is also effective on those with illness, disorder, medical, or other health-related reasons.

Can LifeVac be used more than once?

Tak i nie... LifeVac może być użyty wielokrotnie, jeśli przeszkoda nie zostanie usunięta przy pierwszym zastosowaniu.

Ale urządzenie LifeVac to urządzenie jednorazowego użytku. LifeVac należy wymienić po użyciu w przypadku zadławienia.

Istnieją dwa główne powody, dla których wymieniamy jednostkę LifeVac po jej użyciu:
1. Aby uniknąć uszkodzenia LifeVac. Nie wiemy, jak potraktowano jednostkę LifeVac w sytuacji paniki.
2. Ze względów higienicznych i bezpieczeństwa. Nie wiemy, jak system LifeVac został oczyszczony po nagłym zadławieniu. W przypadku nieprawidłowego czyszczenia lub niektórych środków czyszczących może to spowodować uszkodzenie urządzenia.

Dlatego decydujemy się na wymianę każdej używanej jednostki na nową przez DARMOWY. 

Jeśli musiałeś użyć LifeVac w nagłym przypadku zadławienia i uratowało to życie ofiary, skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem aby wypełnić nasz Raport Ocalonego Życia. Po nawiązaniu kontaktu z przyjemnością prześlemy Ci zupełnie nową wersję LifeVac bezpłatnie.

Does LifeVac have an expiration date?

No, the LifeVac one-way valve doesn’t have an expiration date. This means the LifeVac kit covers your entire family for life. If you have to use it, we will replace it absolutely free.

Can I use LifeVac on myself?

Yes! One of the best things about LifeVac is that it can be self-administered (and is highly effective) during a choking emergency. It has already been used this way to save a life.

Is LifeVac safe on children?

LifeVac is safe to use on all children. Keep in mind that on children weighing less than 10 kg you should only use the paediatric mask.

LifeVac has been effective in saving children as young as 3 weeks old. When in doubt, it’s better to be prepared with a LifeVac.

Do you have proof that the LifeVac will work and is safe to use during a choking emergency?

Yes, LifeVac can proudly say it is the only airway clearance device or suction device with independent medical testing, peer-reviewed medical publications and medical abstracts proving safety, effectiveness and lives saved.

This may not mean much to the average person, but in the medical field this is extremely important as it is very dangerous to use something in an emergency that might not work in the time of need.

LifeVac is an FDA, Canadian Health Service, MHRA and CE registered medical device for sale.

I found a LifeVac at a lower price

Jeśli znalazłeś LifeVac gdzieś indziej za ułamek naszej ceny lub w innym kolorze i myślisz o zakupie… ostrzegaj, nie kupujesz prawdziwej LifeVac!

Niestety, w obiegu są tanie podróbki firm kradnących nasz opatentowany projekt i produkujących go w Chinach z tanich materiałów.

Zdecydowanie odradzamy kupowanie tych podróbek. Mogą być niezwykle niebezpieczne, ponieważ nie są zgodne z przepisami UE, nie zostały przetestowane w niezależnych badaniach, a zatem nie udowodniono, że działają i mogą zawieść w przypadku zadławienia…

Na , jesteśmy oficjalnym sprzedawcą LifeVac w Europie i gwarantujemy Ci 100% oryginalny LifeVac w najniższej możliwej cenie.

Każda seria LifeVac jest produkowana w Europie z materiałów najwyższej jakości i przechodzi szczegółowe ręczne testy jakości, aby zagwarantować jej skuteczność. LifeVac jest zgodny ze wszystkimi lokalnymi i unijnymi przepisami i został medycznie udowodniony, że jest najbezpieczniejszym, najskuteczniejszym i najłatwiejszym w użyciu urządzeniem do oczyszczania dróg oddechowych na świecie.

Co najlepsze, LifeVac nie ma daty ważności. Jeden zestaw obejmuje Ciebie i Twoją rodzinę na całe życie. Jeśli musisz go użyć, wymienimy go całkowicie za darmo.

When can I expect my order?

2-4 business days after you placed your order. You will also receive a track & trace code.

If you do not see an email after ordering please check your spam folder.

Can I get a discount if I order more than one LifeVac?

Absolutely! We created a special offer on this website with discounted bundles so you can order multiple LifeVac devices at the best price possible.

Remember, LifeVac is like a fire extinguisher – having one when you need it is critical. Instead of constantly remembering to bring one with you – have a LifeVac at home, keep one at school or work… so you always have one in case you need it.

Can LifeVac damage the lungs and body of a choking victim?

No, LifeVac has been independently tested and is proven to be 100% safe to use. The place, push, and pull motion only creates the necessary amount of suction needed to remove the obstruction and does NOT cause damage to the lungs and body of the choking victim.

To illustrate this further, LifeVac has a suction volume of 200ml. If you compare this to the volume of a lung, which, after completely exhaling, is 1200ml, you can easily see that LifeVac only uses the suction force needed to remove an airway obstruction.

After saving 3749 lives with zero negative cases, we can confidently say it’s safe to use.

Order Now

- Free replacement if you have to use it -